Welcome to Royal High School, the citadel of learning and excellence.
Here we focus on providing you a platform that waters the seeds of greatness in you to bring to the fore your full inner potentials.

We provide a holistic education that caters for the intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development of the total man, thereby grooming well informed, successful, fulfilled and global citizens who are prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Here, you will be placed at the center of the learning process.
You will be challenged.
You will be assisted.
‘Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself’ Chinese Proverb.
Be courageous, be enthusiastic, be determined and stay focused.
‘Genius is 10 percent inspiration , 90 percent perspiration’.

Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he will stand before kings. he shall not stand before mean men. proverbs 22 ;29.

“See You At The Top

Royal High School, Soaring to Excellence.”

Contact Us

      Royal High School Nyom

         Nyom Maetur, Yaoundé – Cameroon


          (+237) 6 76 57 32 28

          Mon – Fri 07:30 AM – 3:30 PM